Shopping around Pt. Townsend. There are coffee places EVERYWHERE... These Washingtonians are FIENDS for the coffee... I drank a couple cups there myself, and anyone who knows me knows I am so NOT a coffee gal... I did bring my tea with me, and Teesha gave us these cool metal thermos' with the artfest logo on them that I filled up every morning....
These sunset pictures were taken at the Goodwill in the parking lot... Jo needed to go get some clothes cause her suitcase still hadn't arrived, so we went there first, and then went to dinner. After we were back at my room making coffe and getting ready to go to the Art Assylum, I realized I had left my coat with my camera and all these photos in the cart at the store. I called, and luckily they had found it, and waitied for me to come get it... so we piled in the car and booked it back there. I gave them both a hug and thanked them for finding it and keeping it safe... See... what cool, friendly people they have in Washington!
1 comment:
What a fun second day filled with good art, good times and gtood people.
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